Happy 48th Birthday Singapore! 
I'm definitely proud to be and glad that I'm a Singaporean. Despite all those ugly Singaporeans acts, stress and what not.... I think this is still the best country ever to live in - always safe and protected! Love you x.

Tummy is finally better after taking some pills and I'm out to town to enjoy myself with ma boy and some good food! *inserts fat tummy*

We both ordered The Simplicity but mine was Peppermint Park ice-cream and his was Rocky Road. Of course mine is nicer in my defense heheheh

I thought I looked kinda retarded so I shrink the size hehk.

Seventh Heaven is damn yummy dayum I can't describe. The male staff was awesome!

Treated boyf movie since he actually donated 10bux for some whatever it is and always treating me stuffs. After thinking for damn long what to watch, we ended up choosing...............
Damn the show was great, I had a good time laughing away!! It's animated but it didn't look damn fake like those horrible movies.... y'know what I meant. And it's cool how to combine action with humor haha whatever I like it alot.

Subway at 9PM and I wonder if I should feel guilty or not. Hmm.

Too lazy to edit my own photos so I grabbed this from his instagram!
Bus trip was long and diverted thanks to NDP. Had a good time goofing around with his phone tho :)

Someone tried to be a good boyfriend by sending me home! Thank you boy <3
