Guide to getting your driving license

Following up my previous post about how to clear driving in 3 months, I'll share about my experiences with the instructors at BBDC, survival tips etc. (e.g. Private VS School)

Upon registering online, I was automatically assigned to G8035. There's a set of instructors that will be guiding you throughout your learning journey, but if you prefer to have a particular instructor only, then you'll need to pay extra few bucks for every single lesson. At first I did consider that, but I prefer to have different instructors to guide me bc all of them have their way of teaching, which is how you can learn more things and see which method suits you best. Here are a few instructors I wna highlight:
1. #2399 Mr Toh K S - Very friendly and easy-going! He's the only instructor that brought me out to CCK > Teck Whye > Rail Mall > Clementi > Jurong East > Back to BBDC
2. #2317 Mr Ng K C - He loves to teach using book. Please look out on the road when you're driving with him teaching you.
3. #2028 Mr Leow K O - I seriously started off with disliking him, not sure why. But slowly I felt comfortable driving under his guidance. Another easy-going guy if you spend enough time w him!
4. #6039 Mr Wee K H - Nothing special, just that he likes to address you by your surname.
5. #2489 Mr Tan M Y - Someone that knows what is truly best for you! At the crank course, he suggested trying his method, but told me to stick to my method he realised it didn't work for me.
6. #2323 Mr Yeow K H - Somehow I always mixed him up with Mr Tan because I find them relatively alike in terms of looks. Also another fine instructor to be guided by!

Some survival tips that might be helpful if you're learning now~

Tip: Always communicate with your instructors.
Let your instructor know what you're most comfortable with, and what are the issues you are facing while learning. For me, I always have the problem with staying in my lane. I tend to keep to my right rather than staying in the middle. I told my instructor that I felt the car is hitting the kerb and what not, so my instructor told me to come out of the car and see for myself. From thr onwards, you'll know how to gauge better!

Tip: Just be chill while learning!
The instructors in my group are all very friendly, and because I attended lesson every single day (and mostly session 7), I often get the same few instructors so they know me well enough that we can talk about going overseas and all that fun stuff!

So the frequently asked question: Private or School? Here's how I view them:
Cheaper practical lessons
Cheaper test fees ($242.76)
Lesser practical lessons required
(unless you need a lot more practice)
Requires average 25 lessons as there are many sub-stages to clear (2 sub-stages per lesson)
Skip theory lessons
Only fixed time slots to choose from
Flexible learning hours
Instructors teach you what is expected of from TP

Priority when booking for TP test
Expensive test fees
(estimated $100 more?)
Expensive practical lessons
(Off-Peak session $68.48/Peak-Hour session $77.04)
Instructors might not be teaching you what is expected of for TP test (heng suay)
Unnecessary theory lessons, evaluations and tests
Private students have to wait 2 weeks later than school learners for TP test slot

Despite all the hassle of going through theories, I didn't want to risk failing the TP test if I were to learn the private instructor way because the test fees are so much more expensive and if you fail again, you're paying double! The total cost might be comparable to that of school's.

Now it's up to you to decide which is better for you!

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