x MacRitchie Reservoir x

This March holidays has got to be one of the most fulfilling holidays ever. 2 of my siblings and I went on a walk at MacRitchie Reservoir to break away from the hustling city. 

I actually deleted one of my best shots from VSCO and on top of that, while my photos were half-synced, I cleared the app's data and all photos were swept off. On the brighter side, this gave me a better reason as to why I should come back again - to take a shot of the view again.

The waters were so clear that you could see the algae and other aquatic plants clearly! 

These aquatic plants were under the water, not above! Photos are indeed quite deceiving~

Most satisfying sign ever. 
But we still had to continue for about 3km~

It was such a satisfying walk. We didn't stop throughout the 4 hours trip! I'm sure we've covered more than just 11.4km as stated on their map route. Also to take note, it's advised to bring along at least 2 water bottles!

We ended our walk and came out to the Upp Thomson Road. Time for dinner! It's Nasi Bryani for dinner, then a scoop of ice-cream from Salted Caramel. Single scoop is totally not enough and not worth!!

We then continued our journey from Upp Thomson to Bishan Junction 8 by foot. That was also my very first time seeing Raffles Institution personally, and I didn't know it was THAT huge for a school! Pretty cool~

I've always loved spontaneous trips like these. Walking is one of my fave exercises, just so you know ;)
