x Fart Tartz x

Hello! It's our very first time making a trip down to the East side for a cafe. Have always been wanting to try out Fart Tartz after looking through the food photos & I'm so happy to announce that - I've a spontaneous and adventurous partner with me to explore all these new things and places with me!

P.S Thanks Ed for coming all the way down to my house to pick me up - which was meant to be a surprise actually! *insert infinite hugs*

Upon reaching the place, it made me feel that all the travelling was totally worthwhile. Look how gorgeous the place is! Trust me, my photos are edited only because it didn't do any justice to the place.

Located at Expo, we had to take train that's more than 10 stops long, and then had to walk all the way from Hall 6 to Foyer 1. (Aren't we hardworking?!) We reached the place at about 115PM and there wasn't any crowd. To be exact, we only saw 2 customers seated at separate tables. I strongly believed that it wasn't because of the food but the location/distance or the amount of effort one needs to put in just to be here. 

Top of the photo: Chunky Chicken (Sandwich)
Bottom of the photo: Black Pepper Chix Linguine // Rose Tea

The pasta served in jar was simply so adorable. Was quite surprise that they took only a short while to serve the pasta which was well-cooked and hot! 

Good presentation of food, delicious food and drinks, awesome environment - what NOT to love!?
You guys should totally check out their website too! 
(Click here)

There's always room for desserts! Over here, it's a must to get the cakes in a jar. Ed tried the AfterEight Choco while I had the Baileys Choco, both were tiramisu-based. As expected, both tasted really goooood~

As expected, we loved it! Silly boy went to eat them layer by layer ??!! Please do not eat them layer by layer, guys.

My cutie pie!!! 

We left for SAM@8Q because I've been seeing Instagrammers posting about this photobooth available for public. Every 2 strips of photos (B/W & Colored) costs $2 and if you wish, you could donate one of the strips and stand a chance to win something. But both of us thought it's more practical to keep it for ourselves for memory!

Ed have been wanting to go back 7Kickstart for coffee break before our movie starts! I've always been wanting to go thr bc... cafe at a museum. I think it's really cool. Everything feels cool about it. Not hipster, but just cool enough to me and for me. 

We caught Mortdecai and there wasn't much movie-watchers, maybe bc it's a Thursday evening, so there wasn't really a good vibes from the audience :( It's still a soso movie but at least I got a chance to relax with Ed in the theatre~

I found Cocoa Colony by chance on Instagram and thought I should give it a try. I ordered Hazelnut Chocolate which tasted very much like Ferrero Rocher, but in a very bland version. Meh. With that price, I'd rather pay for Godiva drinks!

Ending my post with our photospam~
To more entire day of joy and laughter and happiness with you!