Buck Tile St. Cafe

Hello readers, it's a Saturday today! As usual, every Saturday is left for my family but today was a little bit more special. My family always head to Chinatown or Bugis on this day of the week, but this week, we chose to spend the day at Turf City. Being the traditional parents, they didn't like such western places but Turf City was an exception. Pretty surprised that they enjoyed spending time there even if it's for awhile!

We then left for Buck Tile St. Cafe and it's my very first time getting together with my family in a cafe. I'm glad 2015 made me experience different and wonderful things already! 

The front portion of the cafe was pretty small, with about 4 tables available in front of the cake display and counter. More seats are available behind the glass panel, and I had a table of 5 just right at the corner! I like how the clocks all show the timings in different areas of Singapore, which was quite funny (in a good way) because.... everywhere is the same since we're in Singapore! 

I had the Blue Velvet cake while my sister had the Dark Chocolate Rainbow Cake
The texture of both cakes were great; mine was moist and spongy! But I'd prefer Red Velvet cakes (not available in this cafe) over Blue Velvet just because there isn't cream cheese frosting, and it's simply a vanilla sponge cake with blue coloring. Don't get me wrong, I still love this kiddy (as described by my old brother) plate of spongy Blue Velvet cake! 

For drinks, I ordered Chocolate Mint Latte (iced), and my sist had Toffee Nut Latte (Iced) if I'm not wrong! As the drink got quite diluted at the end due to the ice, I felt that the chocolate could've been richer so as to still retain the taste even at the end. 

Right beside us was a table with chilled Lemon water available (self-served), and on the wall hung these cute handwritten cards left by the satisfied customers! Before I left the cafe, I also did mine! There's a bucket of empty cards with many markers in it for customers to do their art freely. Just be responsible enough to keep things in place!!
