Review: Sony Xperia Z2

I've been using Sony Xperia Z2 for quite some time, maybe a couple of months. Sony might be a long-forgotten brand among many, despite making its comeback with different series of Xperia, partly because the top 2 brands now are Samsung and iPhone.

Samsung and iPhone might have really sharp and clear image quality, as they always emphasize on how fast you can capture your image in just a 'click'. Camera functions now get so modern that you can simply make a fist, wave, and get your picture taken within 3 seconds after doing those hand actions.

However, I still trust Sony so much after so many years, because of its ultra fine quality in both its camera AND music. In the past, I owned so many phones, all of which are Sony (in between there were a few nokia E series but none lasted on me and I did not rave on their quality, fyi). I've seen how their phones just remained this good quality and I loved how they took into consideration of consumers' usage. Lock button (located on the right side bar) is made such that it can withstand the countless times of pressing!

Xperia Z2, however, is more known for its waterproof ability. Submerge your phone into a 1.5m deep water, and your phone can still function. I did not try out this because I'm really afraid my water level is deeper than 1.5m and what if it crashes on me! Maybe I'll try it when it's about to fail on me :P

Moving on to its image quality -- I've been using VSCO and really liked how it fits into 1:1 aspect ratio so that I would not have to crop my image and resulted in enlarged, ugly photo for my Instagram. It produces good images like:

However, I've decided to try out Xperia Z2's in-built camera function, which surprised me a lot! I attempted several shots on my dog because he moves a lot and it's quite hard to capture certain cute shots using other camera apps, and it all turned out so well!

You can see how crisp and clear the photos were, very defined. Every fold of my baby boy's skin is shown (hahah) and how every single fine fur of his appeared in the photo. I even managed to catch him licking himself without any blurry areas shown!

Then, I decided to video him down. If one day he's gone, I can still see him moving in the video and not just still images of him.

I kid you not, these photos are actually scenes from the video clip I've recorded! The video is pretty long, so I'm quite lazy to upload it here. Instead, I screenshot some parts where I think he looked particularly handsome!

(((proof of my screenshots from the video)))

 As if things weren't good enough, I took it outdoors. It was just us two at home, and poor baby boy did not get to go out for a walk the previous day ever since my brother left for reservist. I brought him out, and decided to take a few photos that were initially planned to be uploaded onto Instagram.

He was totally walking at that time when I took this photo. I took it too quickly so it focused only on my hand. But as you can see, the camera could quickly snap a shot of him walking and still did not show any blurry signs of his movement!

Had a good time using my phone's in-built camera, creating more memories for my baby boy and I :)

P.S: This is not a sponsored post (though I'm very much willing to be sponsored by Sony (laughs!))
