Food coma week

2 weeks ago was the start of my study break. Nothing much, so I'll just show you bits and pieces of what went on in my life for the past 2 weeks! I know I owe my readers too much bc even I lost track of what I've posted and what I did not! I'll try my best to remember what I've left out from the previous posts, okay!
Anyway, there'll be a lot of food photos in the next few posts, so... YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! 

Gelato's on-going 1-for-1 ice-cream promo. After going about calculating which is much more worth it, my colleague and I decided to each get a double-scoop cup of ice-cream. Super satisfying as we ate it during work! 

After work, I went off to town to meet up with my 3 buddies for some shopping and eating. Filled our tummies at Genki Sushi -- really thankful to know these bunch of people are willing to try out anything and just eat! J was new to Genki so that's another reason why we went. 

Of course, it's a must to eat this when you're in town! This was also new to J..... Looks like I'm the one who's had too much good food in my life bc it's already my 3rd time there (I know others had it more than me but I'm still trying to control my diet and curb my temptations here)

Best dip? Dark Chocolate sauce!


One of those rare days my brother and I both did not need to go work, so we spent some siblings time together. Despite the weather's bad, we still went to Holland V for our Nasi Lemak and Coffee Bean!
They ran out of Red Velvet, and I thought this is a good chance to try out something new, right? I had the Raspberry Yogurt cake ($6.90). Pretty pricey, but it's quite nice. Not really for those who didn't quite like sourish taste! 


Ever since school started for B, we had the chance to meet much more often. Weekdays date almost became our routine, but I'm trying to not let it happen bc distance will make the heart grow fonder right? *winks winks winks* 

Just sayin'! We met up on one of the weekdays last week and had Lenas/MOF. Appetite always grew bigger when I'm with him, sigh.

If you ever want some sweet red bean dessert, do drop by Lenas/MOF for it! It's one of the best, or at least, the best I've ever had tho it might be slightly too sweet! 

Something not worth trying hahahaha
