初三//Family love.

Almost everyone's having tze char for reunion dinner, Lao Yu Sheng, and steamboat for their first 2 days of CNY but not only do I not have Tze Char and Lao Yu Sheng, I didn't get to enjoy steamboat too. :(

But on a Sunday noon, I finally get to join in the steamboat craze! For the first time in forever, I went to B's house for steamboat with his family AND his relatives! It was nice sitting with people you love, chatting and laughing across the table of food.

Oh yeah not only do we have steamboat, we had BBQ too! Basically we just put whatever we want and I've no idea what I'm eating at times hahaha

I'm so thankful his aunt took good care of me too! Always serving me food. :) Not forgetting the others who took care of me as well!

How can we miss out gambling during CNY?! I had a great time relieving my prisch days by playing poker cards with B, B's mom, uncle and cousin! 

Now back to my house for visiting!

Of course I took care of him too! Visited Grandma and then off to dinner before coming home :)

We reached the camp really fast, so fast that I went "huh so fast ah?". 8 minutes of driving to be exact! We could only held on to each other's hand even tighter before letting him go. It felt weird sending him into another camp when all these while I've been seeing him entering the usual one. 

3 days of holidays have been great but definitely not enough. Nevertheless, I'm grateful to those that could spend time with me for the past 3 days!

Back to reality. Cheers to the hectic month to come~
