Small acts

Hey all! I'm currently in school, draining up my laptop's battery while getting my phone charged. Supposed to be preparing for my final Korean test (which will commence in less than 2 hours' time) but I thought I'd like to take a break for awhile!

I'm officially disliking this particular module I'm taking due to the tutor. Why would you want to be a tutor when you don't even bother helping your students to score well? Giving them a higher grades or grades they DESERVE are YOUR responsibilities! And responsibilities aside, don't you know that grades are what boost students' confidence and their spirit? Without showing us a good example by demonstration and only know how to give non-constructive comments aren't helping. Maybe, just maybe, you don't even have the ability to even guide us. Instead of telling us what to avoid, you should prolly consider telling us how to score an A. Most importantly, you OUGHT TO tell us beforehand, and not after things have happened. I don't care what others think of my opinion because hey, freedom of speech here please! 

On a brighter note, even though I'm all alone sitting here by the table, I thought it's not entirely a sad thing. One good thing that has happened to me was that this girl sitting opposite of me right now actually offered me a sweet she bought from some fund-raising event by the students earlier on. It's so sweet of her! What's more she's also by herself. I really admired her courage to talk to someone she don't even know. Something worth looking up to and to be learned from her. Her small act totally caught me by surprise and brightened up my day! Thank you so much, though you aren't able to see this right now or not at all.

I'm glad such people still exist in the world today. :)
