
I know I haven't been all good on Twitter and Instagram, except for some enthusiastic replies to some which I've been tweeting to. I'll just quickly summarize my weekend for now.

Stay-home Saturday with 0 mood to do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. But there was something I've been dying to do, which was to do this No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake with my sist!

I totally lol-ed at the way we melt the butter (first photo). How retarded was that hahahaaha
But taaadaaaa the end product (last photo) after refrigerating it for at least 4hrs! It wasn't exactly cake but more like.... cream?? It tasted like Hershey's cookies n cream chocolate bar at first haha. Whatever, it's still nice and we know we can do even better next time!

Sunday with siblings again. Initial plan was to be with boyfriend but I guess we needed our own time as well, so why not I use my time wisely and spend it on my sister and bro? :)

I wasn't exactly 'emo-ing' that night but I just didn't feel like being happy lah. And I chanced upon this lyrics which I thought it was quite true and meaningful:

People smile with an effort, hiding the truth
As if they’re happy
While hiding the lie in the word love
As if it will be forever


I'm looking forward to going thru more shit with you bc relationship with no arguments is a relationship with lots of secrets. :)
