Morning blues.

This weekend was pretty horrible to me. I can't help but to write out how I'm feeling at this time - 10:19AM. Who the hell feels horrible in the morning? I guess it's only me. 

Feeling so lost right now. Where should I place myself? When I care, people asked "Why care? People said the lesser you care, the less pain you'll feel!". When I don't care, I appeared to be soooo heartless and cold.

Libras are always at the extreme ends. Either we do, or we totally don't. 

But not everyone understands this. Not everyone understands me..

I guess at the bottom line, what I want to say to myself and everyone else out there is that,

Love yourself like no one else can.
Trust yourself like no one else can.
Be strong for yourself so that nothing can hurt you.

I can do this..
