
On the actual day itself I spent my early noon till early evening with my dearest Zulus 7! They're as usual the most awesome bunch of people in my life :)

Sushi buffet for lunch!
*Scape's outlet is sooo limited I doubt I'll go over there anymore haha

Had so much fun dancing like a mad girl as well as playing that retarded rabbit game it's so fun yet tiring! Thank you each and every one of you who came despite having second plans later on! And thank you Shan for the Nutella Tart (just bc a week ago I tweeted about it!) and the gifts too! *inserts hugs and kisses for everyone*

// P.S: Thank you D for the midnight call and birthday song while I'm half-awake lol! //

Off to CQ for family dinner!
Apparently I got sick of eating at those same old place, so I had to go online to do some research in the midnight (bc I had no other time to do so) and I found Real Food!

It's an all-organic eatery that's suitable for vegeterians (but some food do contain eggs, garlic etc.). I love their menu bc everything is stated clearly! They even include the health benefits for their drinks. What's not to not love about them is, everything is reasonably priced!

{{{Organic Fried Rice with Manuka Honey and some polaroid photos}}}

Original Strawberry and Banana Pancakes. It doesn't have that strong milk and butter taste, unlike the typical pancakes out there. It tasted like eggs mixed in pancake flour so it's kinda like fluffy egg-cake?! Also, there's already banana slices mixed in it!

With ze most must-love man and qtpi sist!

Healthy dinner accompanied with good relaxing walk to bus stop. I definitely had a simple yet great celebration with my family! (not forgetting my friends who made my day in the day!)


The next day back to work I thought everything's back to normal but I guess I'm wrong. Another surprise! While working halfway, BBG came over and so we went to buy BOOST (our all-time fave and oh I got a free drink tho i'm one day later!). When I'm back in shop, my colleagues sang birthday song for me and omona another cake!

Thank you for the so expensive cake and present! It's like I'm not expecting anything but everything came out hurhur I'm so blessed to have you guys with me, patiently guiding me when working and always so nice to me! *inserts hugs and kisses*


Just to let y'all know that I've read the comments on my insta photo and I can't tag every single one there sooooo THANK YOU for the birthday wishes! And those who wished me thru Whatsapp, SMS and Twitter, thank you too! :)

I'm still waiting patiently to turn 18.