
Today's lunch was special bc I specially headed down to Bollywood just for lunch! For those of you who've heard about it, I shant talk any more but for the sake of my new readers (if there are any) I'll just briefly talk about it! 

Remember the lady boss masked with PANDAN LEAVES? Yeah that's the place! I'm pretty much like a regular customer there (maybe not anymore) but I frequent that place very much in the past. It's more of a nature -kinda eatery located at Neo Tiew Lane. Much more accessible for those with car, and mostly are families or tour groups visiting there! 

The new footwear that I've mentioned in my prev post. Guess where I got them from!! It's really comfy :)

Those who've been following me close enough should know that Moringa Tempura is my fave!!! It's a must-have when you're here :)
I almost finished the whole cup by myself. Piggy me iz greedy!

And we tried a new dish: Turmeric Maris Chicken (if I didn't remember wrongly...?) It's like marinated with something. To me it's like a Malay dish tho!

Mom I really hope you know I don't always mean to be nasty.. I still love you. Without you, I'm definitely nothing..

So I'm trying real hard to ignore how others will look at me even tho taking selfie isn't a big deal. But I still feel as tho people will judge me since the world is judgmental. HATE HATE HATE!

Sucha pity I didn't head to Bistro (a cafe nearby) for some drinks and desserts, also not forgetting to visit the dogs there like I always did, due to time constraints. :( Would love to share with y'all my past trips but I just found out the photos in my older posts were all removed!!

Homed before sending Bro off to workkk. 
Pistachio Mini Magnum for the first time. Not exactly liking it bc of that almond taste it has but the chocolate was enuf to cover up that taste! 

Star Vista after sending bro off to work. 

Macaroons don't have to be displayed to look good! This looks damn nice as well, just not sure of the taste since I've never heard of the brand! 

What's life without yogurt? I finally had Red Velvet!! Kinda regretted not getting strawberry or chocolate to balance out the taste tho. Whole cup of RV was sickening.... haha.

Aite guise, back to assignments!!!