4DN3 Trip to Bintan

Here's the trip that has been planned weeks ago and I didn't tell anyone (except a few). Honestly speaking, I didn't really enjoy myself throughout the entire trip until the 3rd day. First night and I was alr down with sore throat, before blocked nose hit on me. 

Bus from Bedok >>>> Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal!

Walked around to familiarise the whole resort, and it actually wasn't that freaking huge. After passing thru the   custom we had to take a mini bus to send us to our resort lobby so I thot it was really like far away, but then you could just walk there! It's like 2mins only?

Down to Ripples by the Poolside!

Club Sandwich for lunch/dinner

Things at Bintan Lagoon is REALLY EXPENSIVE. I really felt that USS was way better in terms of the prices for food and drinks. Or if you wna compare resorts, maybe Downtown East? I just have no idea why they're overcharging the tourists when we're here for a good getaway!

Beautiful beach but strong current = can't play in the water!
Nothing much on the first day since it's already noon time when we got there. After filling up tummies, more walking bout and back to room to settle down!

Woke up to a hazy morning!

Daily breakfast buffet was yumz. I totally loved it bc of pancakes and eggs. And oh, my eggs must be scrambled and topped with baked beans drizzled with more sauce!
More beaches, baby. Food gotta get digested before more lazing around back in room!

I miss self-pampering.


As expected, the entire meal costed us over SGD$100! And it's not like I ordered a total complete meal puh-lease.

Now that I look back, Day 2 had been a pretty fun and long day with so many activities. I just realised I had way too much cold stuffs on that day. Weather's hot!!