Babies of June///Geminis.

Advanced birthday celebration for my dearest daughter Ger! :)

Went to her house to give her a surprise, but turned out that she was working! Thank goodness her parents were home and we could spend some time to chill and prep everything! 

While time was ticking away ----

Sorry Ger I just gotta pose with your cake hoping it's all mine HAHAH just kidding! 

Before leaving ----

How bout no.
Quirky us being quirky; doing our thang!

What's birthday celebration without polaroids?! Regretted not bringing mine!

Happy Birthday Ger!
It's 11PM right now as I'm typing this, just 1 hr away from your actual day! Great to have you with me and the rest of the girls in ze clique. Never knew we could be closer than before! :) Glad to know that you enjoyed today and loved the surprise. Phew, the surprise was indeed a surprise. I'm so sorry I could only give you that much for your birthday, I still owe you more! Please look forward to it alright? :) Give me some time and you'll see something even better!!

P.S /// Shout out to my dear friend Chin Xuan! Happy Birthday to you in advance! Hope you'll have a blast on the actual day xx Stay healthy and cheerful! Have a good love life too teehee. Looking forward to attending language class with you in the days to come! Hearts.
