
Day out with my dear lesbo D after so long....? I miss her of course, and finally we got to meet up! Trip to Strictly Pancakes failed again bc they were closed till evening, ze sigh! 

Thank you Manhattan Fish Market for being there for us when our stomach were crying for good food!

Don't blame us for having the same main course, soup of the day and sundaes. We're couple.... remember? *winks*
Bc of their lunch promo, all these costs us only almost $30! Pretty affordable! :)
Came home to settle some Poly administration stuffs, dreadful much! Oovoo-ed with M for awhile!
My dear qtpi ;) Say hi! 

Bro met up w me after I ended my work! Dinner settled. Woots! It's so nice to talk to him. He'll just stay quiet and listen to me, and then we'll joke everywhere we go. :-)

All time favourite dish! BUT WHY........... They changed the broccoli and carrots to this ...weird stuff that made it NOT HEALTHY AT ALL. So I told my bro, since they changed it, I guess it's time to remove the "Healthier Choice" logo from their menu as well. HMPH.

Another day out w my bro after my work. I went all the way from town to IKEA just to find him! I really appreciate the quiet time I had while walking alone from the MRT. It's just... nice? I'm actually more towards the quiet type. DON'T YOU LAUGH OK!
Had my one and only meal of the day with half of my family at Hans after walking for 30mins and busying at work for 6hrs. Oh lord I SURVIVED. /3 cheers for me please thank you so much/


After work I'm out again hahaha that's why I've got myself midshift you see ;-) Was totally exhausted and sickening please, touching the same flavour cookies for the past 6hrs. No appetite for anything nice!

My one and only meal at 6PM. Too hungry to find for more food at Isetan so I just grabbed him and go for Pepper Lunch. 

Despite the fact that the rice wasn't so much and I didnt eat the entire day, I can only finish half of what I was given. 

Ghost Child  The Croods was so cute and funny! Really liked the movie, I mean, even the whole fam came to watch as well?! Heh.

Thank you so much for the night :)

And so yeah, many of my friends were like asking me "Are you feeling blessed or happy?" The answer is, definitely! I'm more than grateful for having each and everyone around me, giving me endless support, love and care. These days I've been spending my precious time with my loved ones. My BFF, Lesbo, colleagues, friends and lastly my dearest family! How can I still ask for more?! Thank you for spending time with me as well :) I guess I'm really blessed, and I'm still the happy-go-lucky girl no matter how busy and independent I might seemed to be now :)