Before I die

You know how ideas love to flood into my mind at this timing, and so I've some crazy thots (refer to blog title)

BEFORE I DIE, I'D LIKE TO ...............

1. Visit Paris, London, Italy, New York, France, Thailand (BKK especially), Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong (again) and Japan (again)

 2. Do some kind acts, like volunteering myself at orphanages or SPCA

3. Be a lady boss!!!

Okay I think it should be enough. I've so many others I wanted to list them down but thinking bout it, I guess it's more like WANTS and not some major things. Meh.

More updates coming up so please wait!

And if you're interested to know how I got my skin cleared up, let me know!!! I'm more than willing to share with you some tips and tricks ;-)