I ♥ ME

Many times in a day I'd keep wondering, why do people always and only know how to think about the negative things about themselves and not spend the time thinking about what's worth loving of themselves? It's such a waste of own life to often feel that life sucks and everything about yourself sucks. I often see tweets saying "I hate my life", "I hate my ____" and many more. Too much to be listed.

I can't escape from the fact that I myself at times think about what I dislike about myself as well, and it was only these days I started to think about what's good about being me.

As much as I know it takes time to change everything I wanted it to be, I'll try my best to list down what's worth to be loved about me. So here I have with me things I liked about myself :

I'm happy I'm...

1. Short.
I'm 154cm. It seemed way too short, but I guess it wasn't a bad thing after all. Tall girls around me complain that they can't get nice dresses, try high heels etc.. I'm happy to be able to fit in all kinds of dresses. Short skirts make petite girls appear cuter, and it fits us just nice! We can skip maxi dresses, but no harm trying them as well, cus we've HEELS! Killer heels, wedges, platforms, pumps...... You name them. We can wear them to increase our height. Fake but, hey, we can wear heels. *winks*

2. Fat/fleshy/chubby.
It's okay I'm not skinny like those models we see on blogshops or fashion runway shows. Good thing I'm not flat-chested (no offence to any skinny girls here reading this) and I believe I'm not extremely plump too right?! I'm happy with my size (okay I'm unhappy with some parts of my body but look, we're here to talk about positive things!!!). If not, I can always go gym! It's good to exercise to keep myself fit and healthy eh. Being fat also motivates me to work harder to achieve an ideal figure too *smirks*
So yep, fleshy me = stronger mentality! '

3. Not smooth-skinned.
It's alright to have acne/troubled skin! At least I got a chance to try out different make-up and home remedies to cure my skin/prevent further outbreaks. Initially it might be hard cus people tend to judge you when you're bare-faced and when you've make-up on, and every girl long for perfect skin. But if you've perfect skin, why would you wna spend money on make-up products and facial treatments.....? :-\

4. Not rich.
I'd prolly be a super pampered and spoilt girl who only knows how to demand, demand and demand. I'm not extremely poor but neither am I rich. Coming from an average family I've learnt to be independent, to be able to see both sides of the world - poor and rich. I guess I'm living quite well and am lack of nothing. Most of the things I want right now are just WANTS anyway!

5. Who I am.
Till now I've no idea who I wna be, and have no intentions to be someone else. I'm happy to be what I am now. With a big family, many friends that might or might not be there for me till the end, and a life to live to the fullest.

I felt great knowing what's good about me. I turn all flaws into something acceptable. Why not you start to make a list of things you're happy about yourself? Don't make your life so miserable by saying how much you hated about yourself and only know how to admire/envy others or say "FML"! You're one unique human who deserves to be self-admired (whatever that is) too!
