5 things I love to do when I'm home alone.

I'm thankful for be able to spend some time at home alone today.
I love being alone, not because I emo a lot or whatsoever, but because being alone gave me the chance to do things I love, ponder over things of all sorts and most importantly, I felt carefree.

I woke up with this in my mind "I'm finally free from school work!"
In the past, I used to wake up thinking, "Oh shit there's still this and that left undone" or "Omg today's ____ exam." It's true that I'm still trying to get over such thoughts cus it feels weird not studying immediately after I wake up (that's what I usually do). Nevertheless, this feeling is awesome, and I know I'm not the only feeling this way.

Breakfast for the day
Finally, I've nothing to worry about. I can do whatever I want, and do things I especially love to do.
Sidetrack a little, here's my 5 things I love to do when I'm home alone :

1. House chores.
I know this isn't something that 99/100 girls would love to do.  I'm that 1/100 that love doing house chores. Today I washed up dishes, kept my kitchen neat and tidy, folded the huge heap of clothings and cleared all studying materials. Oh you don't know how happy I was to see my house so clean and neat.

2.  Surfing net.
Like duh. Who doesn't love net-surfing today? But I feel happier doing this when there's only me at home cus it's much more peaceful! And another thing, blogging in a peaceful environment, like now!

3. Drama marathon
I'm still in the midst of watching my Fashion King and it's gonna come to an end soon. Happy cus I can finally finish watching. Sad cus I've no idea what other dramas to catch up on. Pasta? Hmm.

4. Reading.
E-books or not, I love reading. But I've yet to buy my Shanghai Girls and other LBD series! I guess I'll grab one of them next week and start reading!

5. Self-grooming

Pampering myself is a MUST. I feel loved by myself.

There's obviously more to be listed but that's my top 5 for now.

Anyways today was like the best day of my life cus I brought my baby down for a 30mins walk all by myself. That's also the time I felt I've really grown up because I'm not afraid of taking up the responsibility of being a good dog owner. I guess I'll bring him down for a walk every morning and I can jog at the same time! One stone kills two birds, HA! :)

Alright done blogging, just nice my parents are back home!
And babies please remember to bring out umbrella when heading out and don't wear shoes w no friction since it's been raining heavily nearly everyday! Take care and enjoy your holidays!
