Insecurity of a girl

So yep, just suddenly thot of blogging since I've nothing to do apart from watching RM, but lying on my tummy after nearly an hour isnt good for my back! Online shopping bores me out as well cus I kept spending money like sfnksldfnkjdsgfnkds whuteva.

Was eating some chocolates few mins ago, and I was looking at my fats and thought.... Ah this is bad. Haven't been exercising for quite some time, and I didn't diet at all. Don't be surprised if you see me fatter in school when school reopens, cus I guess gaining weight/fats is REALLY EASY for me. My fam has got the 'fats' genes, so that explains it all. Well at least it plays a part in me getting fat. 

So don't tell me things like, "woah hey girl you've been eating alot huh?", "Enjoying your hols w good food eh?", "Woah you seemed chubbier keke" or whatsoever. I mean like, come on I know myself better than you do, so please stop being so judgemental. After all........... I've not met anyone w awesome figure in real life, apart from those famous guys in Korea :P

Oh here's a video for you to watch! I think they make sense bout fats/sizes/body shapes.
Another thing I'm feeling really insecure is............... my face. Even when I'm typing right now I feel so insecure to share w you guys!!!! Please understand my feelings okay...

Been getting comments bout my skin, so I decided to consult the doct. Once again........ my acne came back to me. Maybe cus I'm still going thru puberty so it'll visit me now and then. I've been using this for a month, and maybe some of you might have realised that my face seemed to have worsen really a lot, but that's due to the effects of this gel. Done research on reviews on this, and most people said that it took them 3months to heal completely, so please give me some time and bear w my ugliness for now!! 

The effect are : shedding of skin, face turning more red, more pims will show up.

These aren't due to sensitive skin or that the product doesnt suit. For the first 2 weeks, the gel is reacting w the pims and is in the midst of extracting. For the next coming months (1-2 or even 3), it'll start to recover. It seemed really like a long process, but I'm 1/3 done! 

My fam did tell me like, "woah I think it became worse" and "Are you sure the gel is working?" for the first 2 weeks when I used it. Then slowly, not long ago they told me it seemed to be better, my skin looks brighter (I saw this info saying it'll bleach your shirt if it touches your clothes.....) so maybe that's how it'll lighten the scars and stuffs like that.

I'm really hoping to get a clear skin before I graduate!

Please don't look at me w the face like telling me "ugh.... you looked ugly..". I. KNOW. It' so disgusting I daren't to look at myself in the mirror, or stand under really bright lights/sun. It just shows the redness.....

Well anyways, wish me goodluck and hope you'll understand how I feel. For those who're also having acne like me,  fret not! You're not alone and there's definitely help! Let's all just stay happy and live our life to the fullest!

P.S If you think my photos posted recently are edited that's why you dont see any redness..... FUUUU. I did not edit a single photo in my whole entire life. It might be due to the sun light or purely the colour effects (Lomo, BW, Sepia etc.)

See you guys in school soon! Totally not excited cus I've still got some more homework left undone. 1 DAY LEFT. DANG.