
Hi guys im back after a short break from blogging haha im considered quite hardworking okay, to keep blogging like nearly daily! 'right, so first off.....

It's Boyz Nite Out, in case some of you here are non-kpop lovers... SHINee, Jay Park, B1A4, Teen Top and came and I actually gave it a miss since it's a combine concert and.. I can't spend anymore $$$ on concert, sobs.
So I went there without tix so as to try my luck in getting free tix, together w my new friend (met thru Twitter, thanks to SWC!) I wasn't totally OUT OF LUCK, just had that 0.5% luck! 
Reached the Stadium and while I was having lunch .... SHINee actually reached the hall, damn it. I missed them ;_;
Met up w my friend and went Coffee Bean to study while waiting for the clock to strike 630PM.
New drink! Cookies and Cream (w coffee)

So off we went to Stadium to try our luck. This lady actually approached us w a free tix in her hands, asking us to accompany her!!!! BUT NO WE REJECTED cus only one of us can go and we arent that bad to leave each other since we're here for the same cause!! So sobs again, no chance. Stayed till 930PM (it started at 7PM....) and caught NO GLIMPSE OF SHINee or any other idols even when they're leaving!!! Fans were chasing and screaming like mad, so i've no idea which is SHINee's van... 
Don't ask me why there are kids, and not just 2 but like 5 or 6??? They looked like prisch kids gosh!!! KPOP not only influenced teens but those as old as like 50 and as young as idk, 12 or even younger?? Ugh don't snatch my Key please :(

Off to Airport at 10PM to grab a bite since my only meal was at 230PM, and in hope to see SHINHWA, who was arriving at bout that time.

But who knows! When I reached, everyone DISSSSPERSSSEEED. Gone. Nevermind since I'm not their fan haha. 

Killiney Cafe!

Tried doing work but, only one or two questions cus 1) i'm too tired and 2) im way too hungry and 3) the food was sooo tempting. NOM.

Home at 1am+...... no train by 12am heading to Joo Koon, cabbed back home instead ^_^
Saturday - Celebration for Father's Day (advanced)
Early dinner at Outram. My childhood place LOL.
Chinatown > Outram > Clarke Quay; Central.
Totally miss this!! I had this like years ago! Super nice. Cookies 'n Cream kinda milky actually.
If you're my follower on Twitter you would've seen my lonely tweets. Was alone while sist attend her friend's baby's celebration (ok whatever you call it alright) so I slacked at Bedok Point, hoping to see a place for me to settle down. BUT NO EVERYWHERE WAS RESTAURANTS. I only have Gongcha w me :(

Bedok Point > Changi CityPoint!

So I said no whipped cream but they still give me. Made me feel damn fat!! It's the same drink as I had on Friday...... Nice (Y)

Down to JCube w fam for dinner after shopping @ CCP!
I'll tell you more next time!
