Holland V

Happy Friday! No school (Y)

Pestered my bro for my breakfast as he promised me. I ended up having them as brunch instead!
Off to Holland V in the afternoon! My first visit in my entire life, felt so good to explore somewhere new to me!

I feel like a tourist taking photos here and there oke! What's more I'm new to this place, everything seemed so amazing and interesting to me!!
I totally love the Pets Station! So huge and nice to walk around and see those adorable dogs in the display case. I wish I could get them all and let my baby interact w them!

It loves me more ;) :-)

Nomnom ReversO and Cookies&Cream! $4.50 for this! I think it's pretty cheap and reasonable!! It's tasty and trust me, worth a shot :-)
Lunch and dinner time at FoodCourt. 

And........... HOW CAN I MISS OUT FROLICK. I promised not to spend on Frolick until end of June, yes, I said that. But well ......... that's really gonna be my last cup, cus I wanna stop myself from spending so much on food, tho yoggies arent bad food. But....

Anyways! Walked from Holland all the way to Queensway! It's like a 30min-walk and having to brave thru the dust and smoke released from vehicles on the road wasn't nice at all...... Still it's a form of exercise!

Imagine you entering your room and someone greeted you "HI!" on the wall. Gosh you'll go insane every time you see this hahahaha.
And here, my leader gyu. Lika boss, really. Luv him multiple times. Sucha cool dude!

Anchorpoint's Comics Connection is DAEBAKKKKK. They've everything and all of them simply tempted me sooooo badly I wanna buy the whole shop!!! 

And there was this fugly ass that actually said "omg they're so gay! All these kpop boy bands. I've never liked them!" Dude would you kindly take a look at yourself in the mirror before even commenting on others when you don't even know a thing about them? You don't style well, and have no respect for them..... Tell me how are you better than them if you think they are gay.

It's always this kind of people that dis me off the most. Hey come on not like I eavesdrop at whatever he's saying to his friend. He said it so loud in the shop he could've offended many fans if there are more customers in there, seriously.

If he's a good-looking dude or have some good features on him, k forgiven. But oh no..... you should've seen him. Oh wait no you wouldn't want to.

Instead of hating kpop, at least, try to appreciate their music. I'm not asking you to worship them, please. Ugh.