
HI ALL! Sorry for the lack of updates for the past few... days? Well anyways I've been enjoying my life pretty well these days!

On Friday before night study, I went to watch ......
YES THE VOW. I was late for the movie together w my friends, so I kinda missed the first few scenes I suppose. Overall the movie wasn't that bad, just that I couldn't really feel the climax and it's more like telling you what's going on and on. The ending was kinda unexpected and the movie just felt like it's so short!

Rating : 3.5/5

Night study for me was productive! I managed to finish my Chinese essay and got back the marks right away ^^ I completed all my English assignments too wahahaha. Frolick date after that (till 10PM!).
Down to Buona Vista's Hans to accompany my fam for dinner. I merely had Blueberry Crumble and hot tea to stop myself from coughing that much! Home at 11PM+.
State : WORN OUT.

Saturday was the BEST DAY EVER. Gotta thank my bro for that!
Started off w having Chem lesson in the morn till 1230PM, resulted in missing my noon slot for Titanic. :( But anyways here are the main highlights of the day!
First stop was to buy Titanic 3D tix (seats are selling out REALLY FAST!!!) at Marina Sq, then headed down to MBS for our ASM!

SO EXCITED!!! My first time entering!! 
Look at the insane queue! Freakishly long! But we were served quite fast and I'm pleased w their service. After all, it's MBS, helloooooo. 

After queuing for tix to enter the museum, we've to queue again to enter the exhibitions. I thought it was quite long actually, cus really, there were so many people that the counter lady actually asked us to come back at 6PM but hey we queued so long just to get in! Why would I want to queue again at 6PM! =_____=

While queuing these people were walking round the museum, allowing us to take photos of them. They stopped only after I captured it. Was too shy to ask them to stop before I take teehee. :$ 

Happy faces teehee 
We're getting nearer!!!
Then we saw flashes from cams when people entered. Only when we enter officially then I realized we're asked to take photo of .... Okay I'll show you later ;) 
We're told not to take photos w cams and there were staffs making rounds to ensure no photography is allowed. But oh well I managed to take some shots. For the benefit of those who havent been there, I'm not gonna leak out much! It's just OHSOINTERESTING!!! PLEASE GO IF YOU HAVE NOT!! Those objects you're gonna see are REAL. DUDE, IT'S REALLLL. In each casing, there's this meter-reading thingy that helps to check the conditions of the environment to make sure the items are well-preserved. Pretty cool! You'll get to see how things are like in the first and third class of the cabin.
Nearing to the end. Couples and friends gathered at the Creative Corner to do something. I'll show you later!! 
Some of Andy Warhol's artwork. I thought that was it, so I left the place. Who knows, the actually gallery for Andy was actually on the 3rd floor and I was at..... B2. So yep I gave it a miss tho my tix include visiting both Titanic and Andy. Hungry okay!!
Just before I left the place, there's this Choir group singing in MBS. It just reminds me of the times I sang together w my other choristers, and I was hoping I would've the chance to perform there too :( 
While bro queued up food for me.... I was struggling by myself while doing my own Lifeboat 6. Titanic has got 20 lifeboats for emergency use. Initially there were 32 of them, but then they thought it might be too much, and that 20 would be enuf. But who knows, when the accident occurred, 20 wasn't enuf at all...
Isnt my bro considerate and loving... He knew i'm on diet and asked if I want to change my fries to salad. ^_^ And I messed my whole table while eating, thanks to the tomato that burst when I ate half of it. -____- 
And then I continued struggling to complete my Lifeboat 6 while bro had his Ice Cream. At the same time some customers were trying to catch their own Ice Cream instead of just getting the staffs to just put it in their cup after mixing it up, 
1030PM! TIME FOR TITANIC 3D! WAS SO EXCITEDDDD :):):) Happy happy w 3D glasses!
Finished the show at 2am. I was speechless while watching it. Terrified me somehow... The ironic feeling, like, you know it's a movie, but then it really happened. You know the... feeling is just so weird. And I couldnt stop telling my bro, "LEONARDO IS SO HANDSOME LOR!!!"

After watching the movie, this tile became more and more meaningful to me. :) 

I swear I spent alot yesterday. $15 for the photo above, $15 in total for the Titanic badge and the ceramic tile of the staircase, $30 for entry tix (it's actually $24 but I paid my bro extra =_=) and then .... $10 for my belt from Bershka (FINALLY) ^^

So yep you do the math. I spent A LOT for once. But hey it's totally worth it man! Once in a lifetime thing and this is something I would NEVER wanna miss!!!!

Reached home at 3AM and I'm completely sleepy!

For those who have yet to visit MBS ArtScience Museum, or have yet to watch Titanic 3D : QUICK. GO CATCH IT. YOU'LL REGRET! It's really something worth to spend on (both money and time), and you'll learn something new too, like for me, it's to cherish every moment you have w your loved ones cus you wouldnt know when things might happen and you'll lose them in a blink of an eye. For Titanic's case, many believed it was 'practically unsinkable' cus she have this Watertight doors, which supposedly should prevent the boat from sinking. But see what has happened in the end...

So yeh, you can't just depend on that one sentence and trust that things really wouldn't happen.

And oh the movie actually includes some funny scenes so it's like you wouldnt think it's entirely romance or how Titanic disappear.

I shan't say more bout the movie & exhibition! I'll leave it for you to discover it yourself!

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