Bored & thoughts

Mom bought all these sweet and addictive stuffs when I'm down w sore throat. Still, I can't help but to snack on them occasionally to make myself feel better. It doesnt help in healing my throat definitely, but at least it accompanied me while I attempted my amath questions. :)

Just got back my Core Hist test paper and was kinda surprised with the marks I've gotten. SBQ is loved! And few days ago I just got back my Amath paper. Surprise, surprise! I'm not gonna post bout my marks cus to me it's like boasting, when I'm not even the greatest. But anyways it serves as a kind of motivation for me and I'm simply proud of my work. Aren't we supposed to take pride in whatever we're doing?

I'm kinda bored now, and tho it's alr 1030PM and I'm having school tomo, I'll like to spend some time to entertain myself as well as readers out there with this post. Tomo's gonna be a really slack day for me, and my bag's just gonna be filled w clothes and more clothes. PE attire and my SC 'PAP' uniform and heels! Praying hard I won't stumble upon my heels when I walk down the stairs cus it's been long since I last wore it!! The only lesson I'm gonna have is ........... MT! And it'll be spent completing the rest of the compre questions. Basically I'm having no lessons at all! ^^

Well anyways ............ there are sooooo many things popping up in my mind. I hope someone reading this will be able to answer me. Formspring! I've no idea why, some guys just love skinny beeches. Guys seemed to think I'm still fat. I mean, I'm not saying I'm skinny enough, but girls looked better when they've some flesh on them, rights? Maybe I still needa lose some more fats (Yes I totally need to!!!). But it's just strange how some guys prefer those really really skinny ones! Basically those girls have only bones w skin wrapped! How are they nice??? Enlighten me please.

And I just realized that, as much as I think you're way much better than me, it doesn't mean you're perfect. No one's perfect anyways. And even though it seems like the whole world is revolving around you, I still think I'm gonna show my best to anyone out there in this world, not to outshine you but to deserve what I ought to deserve. I just kept telling myself, that time just hasn't arrived yet. I'll meet the right ones soon. I just got to be more patient, right? Well anyways, I just don't get it.

For those who're really confused bout what I'm saying, please stay confused, because I don't wish to elaborate to anyone and everyone who's concerned.

Right now I just wish to concentrate on my studies and my health. Cough has been with me for the past few days! Nearly a week I guess. I hope to recover soon!!!! I need herbal tea, really.

EL Oral's on Thursday, I MUST AND NEED TO DO WELL FOR IT! I can't afford to screw it up, tho O's is way much more important than MYE. But still, all results count, especially when I'm opting for DPA! 

Wish me luck in getting well and scoring well for Oral!

You're loved. :)

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