Time after time

Wednesday :
SC Investiture! I'm still waiting for my friend to upload the photos. Sooooo slooooowwwww!!!!
But anyways! Here's one of them, our group photos!

On that day, I've officially stepped down from my position, as a Vice President of Student Council. I'm grateful for the opportunity given to me to be a VP and showcase whatever abilities and talents I've. I think this is a hard to come by chance and I definitely am lucky enough to be chosen. To be honest, from the day I got nominated till today, I still felt that I don't deserve this title, but still I did my best in whatever tasks I'm appointed to do, even though at times I do procrastinate the hell out of everything. I'm happy I managed to overcome all these and bear with it! I've definitely picked up many new things as I move along, together w my fellow SCs. Such a pity I didn't get to mix w every single one, 'cus I've my own group of friends and they, too, have theirs. Nevertheless, I cherished each and every moments I can have w my teachers and SCs!

I thought Herbal Tea would be the best for me tho it really didnt help completely! After finishing this bottle, I went to buy Luo Han Guo and trust me, I still don't love it. It simply tasted horrible!! I really dont understand how some others can love it!

First time seeing pasta named Angel Hair Spaghetti, so I bought it and tried! The texture's like bee hoon, so I didn't really like it.. I prefer having the original kind of spaghetti. And oh, I whipped this out by myself!!! Been really long since I last cooked lunch for myself! :):):):)

Night time down to Mc and slack! Didn't have much homework to be done and hand up the next day, so it's my first time going there w no books, except for Amath textbook to kill abit of time while having my bb muffin. Also my first time trying McCafe's tea. Jasmine Green Tea w special Japanese petals /something like that, i can't remember the exact words!! /
As much as I want to drink cold drinks or chocolate drinks, I couldn't :( 
Thursday and Friday wasn't of anything much, normal schools days and I finally saw a doct on Thursday! English Oral ended for me on that day too, so I was pretty happy! :) Thanks to my cough and blocked nose, my reading wasn't that well done.
 Friday Night Study was as usual like party. I seriously wonder what's on the students' mind, tho most of them are my friends so I should somehow understand. But for me, I managed to complete English, Chinese homework and Hist revision for test! :)
Saturday :
Heavy heavy rain this morning! Couldn't sleep for long so I woke up at 6am instead of 730am, the planned timing. Was supposed to get a cab via call butttttttt no available taxi T-T Reached school late but tcher came later than me so I'm safe wahaha. Screwed the test cus my first essay (12m question) was less than half a page. 1 paragraph only, to be exact. Physics lesson after that, and the good thing bout sitting at the back of classroom is this : DRY YOUR FRIGGIN SOAKED FEET AND SHOES AND SOCKS!!

Entire lesson (1.5hrs long) I spent it air-drying them while writing down the answers for my Physics TYS. ^_^

Bought Nivea toner at last! Really hope to see improvement in my skin :(:(:( CUI LIKE SHIT! I'll take reallyyyyyy good care of my friggin skin yes!!!!

Time to head out! Ciaoooos (L)