Chillin out on Tues night @ Boon Lay's Mac. I'm lovin' it!

Still controlling my diet, so shared the 20pcs of nuggets w bro and had only Mocha Chips! The rest are my bro's so, yeh im innocent ;) That's all for my dinnerrrrrr! How cool was that lol.
I wishhhhh and wishhhhh someone would get this for me. Bro said he'll buy it for me someday and I'm not sure if he's saying the truth BUT I'm not expecting it from him cus I dowanna waste his $$$! 
Was really engrossed w books these days, or should I say this yearrrr. So far i've 3 books w me, all from LBD. Finished 1, halfway done w 2 others. ._____. I'm looking forward to getting the 4th!!! The one I'm aiming can be found from the above photo. Try guessing it!  
And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the patience and time to read this book if I ever buy them. Apart from the price, the thickness of the book is like, O M G really. Can never imagine how much Sophie Kinsella can write for just a story!
Wednesday Frolick meeting w my buddies as usual! That was totally insane cus for the first time I see 6 CupBs right infront of my eyes on the table, when there were only 5 of us. 1 of us got an extra cup, and it's definitely not me. 8)

Really spammed alot and I LOVE IT. I love my friends. I love Frolick. I love Polaroid.

Class Photo-taking on that day and I swear it wont turn out good, thanks to my damn cui face UGHH and the main thing is it's gonna appear on YEARBOOK. /forehead bangs wall/ Praying REAL hard it'll turn out well tho, cus the angle taken wasnt nice for me!! :<

And DAMN I LOVE THAT WEDNESDAY'S ASSEMBLY CUS @BOYTHUNDER913 CAME TO MY SCHOOL! Totally love his surprise visit and we trended #boythundervisitsYISS in the noon, like few mins after he left it was #2 on Sg list. <3 But oh well it lasted for only awhile, damn. And it's such a pity my friends and I couldnt get the chance to take photo w him before he leave. Guess he was in a rush ... :( Anyhow, he's one of the coolest DJ I've ever met! THANKYOU!!

That's all I have w me now. Stay tuned for more! Sports' Day + Night Study tomo!! Can't wait!

Love y'all! ;);););)

I didnt know why, but it just disappoints me upon seeing that sentence of yours.

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