Her Sweet 16.

Like dontknow how long ago I went to Bukit Timah's Udders and had ma Ballsy Mint again! Simply loving the ambience and the interior design!
They provide markers to write on their really wide and spacious boards and feel free to scribble and leave your confessions and messages! I did mine there and saw some others too!

X-country run yesterday and I was the last minute appointed runner for my class! 5 girls are needed and only 3 were confirmed, and so I was one of the 2 last needed to fill up the spaces. I aint expecting medals or in any ranking, since it's my first time running for my class, and also my last time running for this event in school. I managed to clinch a 15th position among the Sec4/5 girls and I was pretty happy w it! Only a 2.2KM run and really, I didnt expect it to be so short, yet w so much of steep slopes! Hope to share photos w you guys soon ;)

Birthday celebration for the oldest member in my clique after the run! Had a meal at pastamania and we're all starvinggggggg. Thanks to the Students' Meal, I spent only $5 on my pasta ^_^

The usual Chicken Bolognese for me B)

Fail shots cuz one face is always cut off!! But ah im still lovin' them <3

The time for planning surprise is here! It's really hard to trick people but thank goodness she's blur enuf to not feel anything amiss! 
The Behind-the-scene shots .......................................

Taaadaaa! Celebrated at Udders and yay no staffs actually complained. Sang birthday song softly so as not to disturb others having their ice-creams! It's really a simple celebration but we all have had much fun aftermath.

Oh nomnomnom Mango Cake <3 

How's that, mango in Cowfee ice-cream? ;-)

Played the 'don't hit the correct number' game and omggggzy i suck at that I swear. At first I was damn lucky not to hit it but......... jackpot like 6 times???? Took my revenge in the end so, YEY IM HARPI. B) Home at 430PM and ah was really tired!
Chem lesson this morning!!!! It wasn't boring cuz firstly my class is smaller than usual, secondly my teacher is darn hilarious, last but not least i'm w my friends studying together ;) Whole class had great laughters and 2hrs simply flied!
Ma breakfast. 1st time having KFC breakfast in my entire life.... k I've them when I was young and that was like 10yrs ago?!?!?! 
Library trip from 1PM-530PM and dinner down at JP Din Tai Fung. No Iciban Sushi thanks to ultra long queue ;_;

Sorry for the really blur photos, I didnt bring my cam out :(:(:(

Good quality photos will come soon, when I've time to go out and take better shots w my cam! Please wait ~~~ ^____^

peace out!

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