Catch Up 2!

Hey guys! I'm back to do a proper post, and in fact I've a good topic to blog bout tho it's not gonna be included here, hehe. Please wait :)

Right now I'm kinda bored after completing so many things, so I thought of YOU - my readers! Sharing w you what's up w me for the past few days ;)
Not long ago I just went to watch Happy Feet 2! Quite interesting and .... for those who havent yet watch this, quick!! I watched the 2D version since I dont really wanna watch 3D thanks to my specs ~

Alvin and the chipmunks!! I'm waiting for your movie to be released ;) Cant wait to catch it!
Yep yesterday I went town! As usual I was late for date, keke B) Mianhae, my habit.

Spicy Bulgogi Chicken ~ The combination of frozen peas etc. w kimchi isnt that good. I'd prefer having the REAL Korean style one!
Time for PEDI! At last, ya, I went to do pedi w sist. My toe nails are so damn idiotic I swear.
Drying in process! Loving the colour ^^

Kind enuf of the lady to serve us warm water during such a cooling weather! It was raining outside I guess!
Spotted the SHINE Korean Supermarket and quickly went in to get some cute snacks ^^
Oops not clear, sorry!
Coffee Club!! Black Forest. Contained some alcohol and I'm loving the taste!

Basically I went shoe-hunt w my sist cuz of her company dinner and we went everywhere in Orchard to search for the 'suitable' shoes. I tried a few shoes and none suits me, tho I quite like one of the brown boots but .... :( Okay forget it, there's like so many things to be bought at FEP. I'll think bout it and head back there again someday!

And I did mention from the start of the post that I completed many things right? Yep gonna tell you what I completed today! I thot today was quite a good day to do so many things in such a short time :)
  1. I finished watching all 16 Ep + 1 Special Ep for Dream High! I swear that's a damn nice drama and I'm waiting for Dream High 2!!!! JY Park will still be starring in the show. S2 starts from Dec, airing on KBS! ;)
  2. I washed the dishes at home, cleaned my dressing table, tidied my stuffs and I JUST BATHED! (15-20mins ago) kekekeke it's nice okay.
  3. I ........ FOUND MY THUMBY AT LAST!! I'm so gonna print photos and oh, transfer songs! Why didnt I think of that hmm.
Alright the Top 3 things I've done today. My main plan was to go library and complete some homework but it rained. Guess Heaven is telling me that I should start on 1st Dec instead LOL :P

Right now I'm blogging on my bed and i felt so shiok. I'm feeling so alive ~ (yes my phone's playing this song right now while I type) kekeke I'm still kinda going 2PM-craze and I'm SO lovin my Milky Couple <3 Dont know what's that? Google Image it and you'll know, and I'm serious! :)

Stomach's growling >o< I'm gonna shop later w my mom. Hope I'll get something seriously ..............

Peace out!

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