Time to relax and have fun!

Just gonna do up a short post before I head off to bed! It's kinda late now and hours later I'll be sending my friend off back to his country :( Another one leaving my school and my country ... Sigh!

I organized this relaxing BBQ party and it turn out successful tho there were still some 'here and there went wrong' part. But nothing was major, other than the part whereby I got my left and right foot burnt by bits of charcoal on the floor ......... Let photos do the speaking!

Getting the food and everything ready!
BBQing starts!
Down for a swim before the rest are preparing :PBack to help out in BBQ ~MARSHMALLOW AFTER WAITING FOR SO LONG...............YUM.YUM.YUM. <3Ice cream treat to self after all those grilled stuff! ^^

So obviously I had real fun w my clique after today! I think my F&N skills got better and am more exposed to cooking and bbq-ing ^^ Thank goodness my friends were able to make it today and that explains the successful BBQ session!

More photos were alr on Facebook so do check it out tho it's not that much of things to know :P

Shall blog again real soon! Ciaos! :)

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