Breakfast! ↑
Was supposed to blog yest but couldnt get the chance to use comp. So here I am again! :)

Exams have finally come to an end and honestly speaking, I'm not looking forward to getting good results for FYE. Basically I screwed up most of the papers except for some. I guess I'll just see straight Bs and perhaps some Cs. Praying real hard that I wont fail A Math cuz I really tried my best to answer all and dont leave much blanks even tho I've no idea how to solve..

Not that I'm having low self-esteem or that I've no confidence in myself. But I know where I'm standing and I know myself the best. I wont compete w anyone except for me, myself and I. I mean, we've all different standards so why bother bout others?

Well, at least it's all over, isnt it?! A brand new year is coming in another few months' time! I'm really looking forward to that, and I'm gonna do my real best for O's. That's the most crucial period and I'll not give up till the end!☺

Yest was the best day ever, apart from the exams part.

Exams ended exactly at 1PM, then I've got surprises from my clique! Apparently I knew something went wrong cuz they were kinda fishy in the morn when I arrived in school :P Sorry, I just cant let you guys surprise me that much!!

Was suffering so much just to open this long tube but it's obvious that it's a poster :P
Only opened up till here and I screamed when I saw the label! Then I went off to find my DEARSSM and have lunch at Lot 1.Hot Stone Bibimbap~
My Kimchi Fried Rice!
Celebrated the end of Exam period w Frolick's Cup B :)

Home at bout 5PM+ and I spent my noon well by laughing at my bestf :P So fun to tease her!

And so I started to unwrap my pressiez cuz my friends said it was the most 'ultimate' present that they've given a friend like me ^_^
My boys' signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Directly imported from Kr ☺
And the poster came along w the hoodie! Just nice it's my wallpaper too :)
How nice of them to pack in sweets wrapped nicely like this and there's a SHINee Maypole shopping bag in it too!!!!! And also a small brochure of SHINee's photoshoot for Maypole ^^

Thank you girls, for giving me such an expensive pressie and it cost you guys a BIG BOMB!!! Felt so guilty huhu T_T
Felt so happy so I went to order McFlurry while my fam ordered some other Mac food. Kekekeke~~~~~~~

I can finally blog everyday slowly and watch Khuntoria without worrying that I've to revise for exams!! I'm really much more relieved now tho there's still results to worry for but, no matter what, what's done can't be undone, and I know all I can do is to improve, work hard, improve and work harder to get better results!!

Fighting, everyone! Life's great! <3

Have a good break this week! EXAMS. ARE. OVER. AT. LAST.


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