you, you and you


Jokingly posted this on my friend's wall bcuz I told her I'll get her ice-cream while she get me mine! And another friend came to ask how much was it. LOLOL does it really look like I really was the one who bought it specially for her? :P

Oh well, finally 1/6 done w KHUNTORIA!! I'm really having fun relaxing at home after school, watching this and trying to pick up some korean words at the same time! Kudos to me, I've learnt like, a few words. HAHA. To make sure I'm not wrong, I double-confirmed w my korean friend! ^^

Alright basically today, I finished my EL papers! /cheers for me/ Paper 1 was quite alright but I kinda got stunned. I've to make my choice between 2 options for Part 1. Chose Q_ cuz i'm more familiarized w it ^^ Part 2 was still alright. Thank goodness my teacher posted the model essay on Facebook and I stared at it H A R D. I guess I could still make it. I finished both parts within 45mins and I tried really hard to slow down alr!!!!!

Well every year is like this for me so ..... not surprised.


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