With love.

And ahhhhh while blogging, my bestf came to my house, appearing outside the door w a small yogurt cake similar to the one i bought for her, w candle lighted up and singing birthday song for me!! I'm extremely touched I swear! The best gift I can ever get and the one I'll nv demand for cuz it came from the bottom of her heart!

The cake was extremely sweet cuz it's bought and brought by her specially for me! I'm loving this and I LOVE HER ALOT. She's been w me for years and we've nv had any disputes after we promised each other not to fight over trivial matters. I guess we've kept our promises well, and we're gonna continue keeping this promise. :)

It might just be a cake to others, but to me, it's everything! I might know where she bought it from and how much it costs, but the amount of effort and heart put in that made everything SO UNIQUE.

I cant wait to celebrate her birthday next year! I wanna make it grand and awesome!! <3
So dear, THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! ^^ You're really sweet, DEARSSM <3

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