Weekly updates

Hello!! It's been awhile since I last blogged properly. Friday's post was merely a quick and short one with me sharing with y'all about kids and family etc.. 

Just a quick update on myself: On Saturday I've spent almost the entire day mopping around at home and on bed bc I went to get 3 tooth extracted! One of them involved stitching so it kinda made me tired and spiritless. :(

Anyhow, here comes your weekly updates! 

Thursday; 18th Birthday celebration for one of my dearest bb! Glad that you loved everything we all had prepared for you <3

And my 2hr lepak session with the usual boy, Ken! For the very first time I accompanied the guys for a few puffs (NO I DON'T SMOKE). And for that day, ma babe came to join us for one hour :)

Friday was really TGIF. Apart from the long day in school, I had a good time with my bro in town!

And no we don't love whatever we're playing. In fact, it pissed us off a lot. It was so hard to play those games bc we just don't get it! Not only that, the games were actually for kids. I wonder how they play them?!

And there was some kinda confusion here. I ordered the half waffles for $3.90 and then I chose from the iPad menu to top it with one Premium ice cream for $4.90. The order summary included these 2 items as just ONE, and the total price was still $4.90. However once the final bill came out, there were 5 items instead of 4! Turns out that they charged us separately for the waffle and ice cream. SO EX and I felt so cheated! :(

Off for a movie and you've guessed it right I believe - yes I watched Thor!!! It was definitely awesome. Gotta thank my bro for wanting to watch it, if not I wouldn't be watching it alr! Thank goodness I went to book the tix online /yes kiasu-ism but it's a must if you want good seats!/ 

And I came home to this beauty - Drawstring pants from Anticlockwise! They got the item on Day 1, shipped on Day 2 noon, and I got them on Day 3! So efficient and not to mention that the material was good. My first time ordering from them, but this was the 2nd item I've received :) Definitely will be back for more ~


And today (Sunday) I went to Expo & Changi City Point for some animal events! 
First off, Home Team Festival, which disappointed my bro bc he was hoping to see the K-9 unit!

Then to CCP for the Animal Shelter event! Quite a few puppies were put up for adoption and I felt sad for them, having to be out in the public in hope to find a good owner to bring them back home. Of course everyone simply touched and played with them, and didn't adopt them. Can Singaporeans be more loving and responsible as pet lovers and owners? No matter how busy we are, I believe we should always have time for these pets who needs our attention and love too.

Dinner at eggs and berries bc I've been wanting to try it out. They have only a few selection of pancakes and waffles, and quite a lot for main course and appetizers!

Had my Chipolata and Eggs and these small pancakes came along with it. We even have a selection of 3 different sauces (Maple syrup, Hershey Chocolate and Strawberry Jam) for the pancakes and waffles! 

Bro's Banana Drama and another bro had Heavenly Choco which I didn't manage to take a photo of!

All the food tasted really nice but everything come with a price to pay, right? The entire meal costed us over $100 (4 people, 10 items in total including drinks). Can't deny that it was really yummy tho! 

And yeah this weekend I didn't get to see my boy at all :( Another week of waiting again... Sigh.
