Ice Cream Date with...

HIYA I'm back to Seventh Heaven again, but this time round with my dearest bbg Jann!!

I was caught between having just a simple single scoop of ice cream and having something else that was much more special. But this Traditional Ice Cream Sandwich Buttercream just caught my eye and I was like omg are you friggin kidding me, $8.80 for 2 scoops of your choice and buttercream cake sandwich?! GOTTA HAVE IT!
I didn't know how it'll look like since it's my very first time having this, or even hearing of this. It's

Just a short catchup sesh with her, talking about work, school and our friends! It's always nice to share about everything and anything :)
Glad to have met you my dear!

Another empty trip from shopping. I just have no idea what to buy bc I don't have a specific style I want to incorporate, or just any inspirations drawn from anywhere. Sobs I guess I'll just stick to online shopping tho it might be a little more expensive? 

This is what I called.... the mustache smile HAHAH okay fine bye

PSSSST I've edited my blog again, see if you can spot the diff!