
Whenever we're free on weekends, we'll definitely head down to Bollywood for lunch. It's awesome!

Did I mention I'm a damn sucker for tofu? I've no idea why people will hate them or just don't eat it! 

This dish is so amazing. Stuffed Kampong Chicken with Tomato Relish. I guess they stuffed this butter-marinated potato in it together w some other stuff... It's just delicious.

Down to Bugis and I indulged in Maggie Moo's Strawberry Skydive!!

I've this love-hate relationship with Haji Lane. Love bc every single item there is SO PRETTY; Hate bc everything is soooo overpriced! Like how this crop top from Chic Fever costs 39bux but an exact one (different material) from Bugis St costs 10bux. I hope this item will go on sale this year end!! 

Dear bun, why must you be so pretty only when I'm about to sleep? It's not the first time and I officially hate you for this. Yours sincerely, me.

Just 2 days ago I was so proud of myself for saving a sum of money but 2 days later I spent half of what was saved. And so my mom said "Save alr and then spend on clothes right?" Gosh she's definitely my mom. 

It sucks to be me I guess. HAHAH. But it's okay bc I live by the saying "Do whatever it takes to make you happy"
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