Introducing new Happiness

Today has gotta be one of the best days ever I've had in my life!!! Zulus 7 has become a part of me and my poly life ever since I met them during BAOC. It doesn't matter if any one of us are feeling left out or slightly less active. I still feel that we're close and together! 

Today's outing might not have the best attendance since only 6 of us turned out but nevertheless it's filled with so much fun and laughter! Like........ I wouldn't forget how epic our lunch at Pastamania was. I bet we're the noisiest table there.

I finally played pool!!!! *strikes out one to-do from my list* 
I swear I'm a damn noob and I so wna book one table all for myself so I can practice them and be an expert in that. I'm thankful my friends are nice enuf to encourage me tho I'm one awkward turtle there with all that weird dumb pose I've HAHAH 

Tho I've wished you both on time, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you again!! 19 and 18 years old already ah, happy right! ;-) Will always be thankful for how nice and friendly you guys are as our SC and also being our friends/seniors. <3

MY NEW EC HAHAH HI ELAINE MY POOL BUDDY. Thanks for guiding me patiently just now! 
// P.S I just got the urge to edit this photo out of so many. //

What's an outing without group photo?!

I also finally get to spend time at Playnation@*Scape! *strikes off another to-do from my list* My life is halfway completed! We only paid for an hour but it's so fun (tho tiring somehow)!!! I can't wait to go back there again!

Spent 1hr at KFC and we chatted about everything? From SCs to ECs to studies (results, choosing next sem's classes and project mates etc.). It's really nice to spend time like that. Simple and sooo completed!!!

This is what I call Happiness. :)
