Back from hiatus!

I'M FINALLY BACK TO PROPER BLOGGING! I suppose most of you guys are done with exams or almost done, so that means my readers should be mostly back alr....? For those who're done, CONGRATS! Let's start enjoying and screw the results later. For those who're still struggling with exams, ALL THE BEST! You can do it. *inserts arm muscle emoticon from whatsapp*

Anyhow allow me to spam the upcoming posts with photos and more photos. I really lack of updates so here you go!!!

I've always envied girls who can go shopping alone. I mean how the hell can you withstand looks from others when they see you alone, and also survive eating alone?!?! Prolly it's just me. But that day I tried it! I was alone that day and studying really drove me mad. I just had to satisfy my cravings and get out for some fresh air. 

Retail therapy + BOOST + silent mugging in the library + quiet dining at Subway for dinner = 

Happy Me!

Okay so after all it wasn't that bad being all by myself. But of course I doubt I can feel this way when I'm in town during peak hours!!!


On the 24th I went out to celebrate my parents' birthday since they're just 4 days apart. It's been a damn long time since I last went out with just my mom and dad. Due to some reasons I'm just not close to them, so somehow I prefer my siblings to parents. Anyhow they're still my family and I love them.
I finally found the chance to wear my Sheer Daisy top out! They're so different from my usual style and I thot I'd love to get out of my comfort zone and try something else. Let me know if you like this or not! :)

630PM -- my siblings came over and finally tucked in. We dined in at a chinese restaurant in Outram Park - it's the oldest place I've been to as far as I can remember!!! And it's just sucha pity the building will be gone 2 years later.

This carrot cake has gotta be my fave. Looks normal but it just tasted special to me!

Since I hardly come to Chinatown, I thot I'd want to grab these snacks that never fail to remind me of my childhood days. No need for introduction right...?! If yes then you ought to ...... just end your life now since you don't have any childhood days!!!

I thot they were the best snacks anyway. And it costs only $2 each ?!?!?! LOVE.
