
Saturday down in town -- 2 days straight! Life of a shopaholic.
Super love the lighting!!! It looked so damn flawless la ahahah

Had my fave Thick Toast with Ice Cream! The only thick toast that won't get me sick of it. *thumbs up*

Looks like S4 mini's front cam is damn good hehehe

More photos on his Instagram so you can go stalk him if you want, or even follow him. (@marc_ngbk)

I swear I've a love-hate relationship with shopping for presents. It's like so fun bc you can get a lot of choices but at the same time those choices just kill your brain. So much for present-hunting. And I'm so annoyed bc I couldn't find anything I like. After wandering around *scape for hours I didn't lay my hands on A N Y T H I N G. Partially bc I didn't dare to buy bc of personal matters... Meh.

That concludes my Saturday in town! :-)


Sunday back at home to mug. I can do this.

Crey morning with family at MacD. For the first time my parents went to Mac together w us. I'm secretly touched :') Like you know, shit happens and you just can't spend quality time w your family..

So much to do, so little time. I'VE NO IDEA WHERE I SHOULD START FROM. BYE.
