I'm a B student.

Thursday ended pretty fast, and I can't believe I was actually in the mood to get involved with my studies. But meh to lectures. See what my good friend here did before lect starts!
Thanks for being sucha nice friend Ivan :) Haha I don't know why but I just got the urge to say this to you! You always make me laugh and I'm just happy to be around you and others!

Evening; Korean lesson was cold as usual

And the sudden urge to satisfy my cravings // Sogurt for dinner!
Nutella and Strawberry with Digestive Oat biscuits AGAIN. You should be able to find out my latest addiction I guess?

TGIF // Ended with Starbucks's Java Chip. My friends were all talking bout Starbucks today I've no idea why!
.......... I still prefer Dark Mocha. Maybe bc it's richer!

