Hectic week

 A pretty hectic week just passed by like this! Spent my monday to wednesday with my dearest colleagues at Famous Amos, and we had a lot of fun as usual hehe :)
Morning look. Eyes are hideous for the moment but MY HAIR W0W. It's better when I styled it like wts....

Just a random shot of this blue pony that I've gotten years ago as my birthday present. It's actual a trend among the bloggers like huh? Lol.

My fishtail braid was horribly L O N G. I haven't gotten any haircut since the day before my prom night till now. Almost 6months I guess?? Whatever, I'm still loving my hair! *Whips like a bitch*

And then I spent my Thursday to Sunday at IT Show 2013 with my 4 bros and 15 more goofers! I totally love working with them and I really adapted to new environment fast. It's my first time entering a IT Fair and now instead of being a visitor, I'm actually an exhibitor! #TeamToggle yey! 8) Definitely a great experience for me bc I got to see many kinds of people at one go, and also get to meet many many many new friends, just a hi-bye kind! Distributing flyers are part of our job as a promoter, and that's when I got the chance to be friendly to our neighbours. M1 and MyRepublic guys are so friendly, especially the latter! :) And not forgetting the security guard that's always standing in front of our Toggle booth; always eating something and got caught by us! Haha :) He's sucha hilarious uncle I swear :)

And I'm also very thankful to my 5 subscribers of Toggle, especially one of my customers, this uncle who remembered my name and came back to me! Eventually he signed up for ONE YEAR! Fucking god ONE YEAR I was so fucking touched. Thank you uncle!!! You're amazing :')
Eye bags out bc I worked 7 days straight.
Taken on the last day of work. I'm REALLY REALLY SAD! :(

On the last day, I actually had no luck, till the very last 30mins! I've gotten 2 paid sales at one shot, a 3-month and a 1-year sale! I'm so thankful to all of them :) And to hell for those that rejected me and gave me stupid excuses hahaha EXCUSES ARE ALWAYS EXCUSES. FYL please. :B

My dearest colleague other than Jasslyn (didn't get to take one with her but you'll see her below later!)

Food are always so far from us, and it takes us bout 10mins to reach to the food area? So Jas and I reached early to grab a bite from CBTL and Cold Storage! The sushi auntie was so friendly and nice! Prolly bc we're little girls hehehe
Horrible CBTL charged me 45cents for GST even if it's a take-away.......... Bloody hell. But I still love them and the drinks! 

Group shots taken from various cameras! I pretty much looked the same in all lol but anw the main thing is my whole Toggle Team! SO MUCH LOVE FROM ALL OF YOU, AND SO MUCH TO YOU ALL TOO! :) Thank you each and every one of you for making these 4 days a memorable and wonderful one :) And also the 'IT Guy' who always have nothing to do but to set up the laptops for us! He's always bullying me?? I'm known to him as the black ridding hood bc of my hoodie lol!
And there's Jasslyn on my left, Yating behind on my left, and Xinling behind me on my right! :)

Team B I love you! :) Thank you so much for being sucha united team!
Super blur shot :( I forgot who's the photographer but I know it's 3 goofers! 

I can't wait to meet all of them, or at least some, during the next event at JP! :) In fact I missed them so much today I nearly woke up wanting to go for IT Show but actually it's Famous Amos lol. I dreamt of working w them too! Oh well............... I'm just awfully attached to the team :')

Love you all,

8th day of work, back to Famous Amos! I had quite a tad of difficulty entertaining customers bc of my voice. Lost abit of it bc of IT Show, haha! 

So many silly incidents occurred to m e on my way to HV from work place gosh.... Dumb for that moment!! Dinner w ma bro after work!

I quite like the cam quality teehee.