Dinner with my family. Vegeterian's Bak Kut Teh!

Left with only my sister and I, and so she requested for coffee at 9PM............
Landed at NYDC!

Apparently my sister doesn't know how to take photos and so all those photos came out so ugly like that

I love Baileys and Chocolate.

IKEA to fetch my bro. How nice can this sister be?! 

YEY reunion dinner at our usual small vegeterian restaurant :-)

Not forgetting our shark fin soup!

I really want to learn how to do coffee art. REALLY!


IT'S CNY! Time to collect angbaos again. To me, only when CNY starts then I consider it a brand new year. So chinese of me right.

I know I've been annoying y'all on Instagram with my faces but please bear with this idiot once more for the photobomb thank you :-)

When people praise my look, I just gotta thank this beautiful woman beside me. My lovely momo <3

And as usual when I go for visiting, my relatives would say "You went to diet?", "You slimmed down hor!", but this year is slightly different, with them saying "Wah became prettier!" and one even better "哇,变成一个人了hor!" which means "you've became another person" in english. Pretty surprised by all of their reactions!!

Back home to photobomb with my baby boy bc I've missed him too much.

So affectionate of my baby boy I've no idea how many times he wna kiss me??? :-*


Actually every new year, I've only one day of visiting. The rest of the week I'll go head over to other relatives' house for buffet and get-together. /Do you call that visiting??/ But anw yes off to another house for buffet!

I finally got the chance to wear out my latest buy from TEM!!

My beautiful momo!!! 

Amazing view from my aunt's house! Highest level, that's why 8)

My aunt's someone's baby. SO CUTE.

Magnificient view on my way to Tampines IKEA

Hope you guys enjoyed collecting your angbaos bc I enjoyed it too!! ^_^ Gna enjoy the rest of the break (which isnt v long bc tomo's the last day??? SOBS)

