In bad state!

So.. I haven't been feeling well these past days, as predicted by my horoscope saying "weak immune system". SO ACCURATE. *freaked out* It's my off day and despite my sickness I still headed out! Looking really cui so there isn't any shots of me for the moment.
I've been seeing this thing like everywhere, and people are like praising how nice this egg thing is really nice. When sister bought it, I gave it a try to see if what others are saying are right, but there wasn't anything special bout it! Maybe it's just me being sick I can't really taste anything or smell anything..... Mehhh.

Haji Lane's full of activities! Photoshooting, filming etc. So amusing please??
Initially I thot it was just some poly students doing their projects since the crews are so young looking but noooo it's mediacorp artistes!! I've no idea what shows are they filming for but wowww I actually witnessed it while shopping!

Shopping resumed! I think I suck at wearing hats. I just don't look good. Or should I say..... I LOOK WEIRD. Le sigh.
Bought the aztec shorts from Bugis Street (K Street to be exact) and wow $12! I saw a blogshop (TheTinselRack) and guess how much they sell it at?! $30.90. IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME ONE! That's why not I don't bother to buy from blogshops bc designs are everywhere and you can actually get them at an even lower price with the same quality! That also explains why I frequent Bugis Street a lot lately!

SO FKEN HANDSOME  OMG I SWEAR HE LOOKED BETTER IN REAL LIFE THAN IN MY PHOTO! I wanted to take a photo w him but......... awkward cus of the crews and other passerby around me. Sobs.


Got myself a little gift!! Nyehehehe it's finally a brand new year and I'll like to change my wallet! To me it's like, brand new start and with a new wallet, I believe my luck will change? Like become richer or something like that lah lol.

Always getting discounts from aunties. I think I'm fated w that. $29 to $26! $3 off but it's better than nothing right!!! I got this from EightyTwoTales but they weren't the only shop that sold that (nearly all shops in Haji have the same wallet with the same price) but EightyTwoTales was the only shop that offered me the wallet at $26!

Goodbye to my old and spoilt wallet!

I like shopping at Haji Lane because of their special items. It's not something you can find outside, even though it can be really common along the street itself because almost every shop have the same items, even the clothings! 
I wouldn't get their accessories there because I think it's just not worth it! I'd prefer Flea Market for sure :) But other than that, it's a good place to get your clothes for events like CNY, attending functions etc. 
The shops have very nice interior designs and are so cosy to shop at! Not so spacious and can get crowded easily during the weekends but that really isn't the problem! Despite the crowd, I don't see people queuing to try clothes! 

Have a good week ahead guys! I'll be trying hard to recover quick before I get my results cus I don't wish to  be coughing and blowing my nose while others are waiting for their results eagerly hahahah BEST OF LUCK TO ALL!
