
Lunch the other day at XiMenDing @ Vivo with my dear sister and mom. My speed of eating was as usual, damn slow. When both of them had their second bowl, I'm only half done with my first bowl .___.


Brunch the other day cooked by myself before I head off to work! I didn't cook it so well bc I'm in a rush and I'm too hungry lol!


Today's my off day so here I am, blogging away after a great trip out with my dearest BB!
Out in my newly bought GIVONCHY crop top!!! Love love love *_*

So off we go to Dhoby Ghaut specially for JustAcia! Babe's recommendation ^_^

And while waiting for our food to be served, we just can't stop ourselves from photobombing. I mean, someone's gotten her front-cam phone at last!!!! Nyehehehe

The failed attempt of what's-your-problem face HAHAH

Since there's free flow of beverages and ice cream, I had 2 cups of Hot Chocolate and only one cup of double-scoop ice-cream (tho I wished I could still squeeze in another few more cups of ice-cream hehehe). I also tried Aglio Olio for the first time! So yummy now that I'm drooling when looking back at the photo bc I'm kinda hungry now

Next stop - VIVO! for some window-shopping and movie, the highlight of the day!!! Babe recommended me Camera360 and I totally loved the app for the wide variety of filters. It's so cool???? Sorry I guess I'm just too slow and outdated for only using Instagram and LINE camera. Mehh.

Photo credits to babe's phone camera and for posting these photos on FB. Here are just some photos out of the 62 that we took. 
After this shot, babe was like, "I think you should really try blue as your hair color" OKCAN I'M WAITING FOR THE CHANCE TO DO SO. :-)

Taxi Taxi! was quite a good movie!! I think nowadays local films are getting better? I'm looking forward to watching ABTM2 next week during my off day!!! ^_^ I know it's definitely gna be an awesome movie!

Continued shopping and I snapshot this at Topshop! Peplum is so loved. But I still can't decide from where should I buy such tops since everywhere is selling them and all at different price and material! :(


Down to Orchard Central after movie just for Yakun Kaya Toast bc I told her the outlet here is pretty good and quiet and have pretty scenery! And as expected it's almost empty, with only 2 tables occupied excluding ours. We chatted over sooooo many things, all about the past and some about our future. How nice to have someone who knows you since last time and can relate to you :-)

I finally get to it this I'm so blessed hihihihihi

Spot that creepy guy behind me who tried to look at our screen GRRRR :@ 

It's so tiring to photobomb you know??? But we totally enjoyed ourselves. Looking forward to so many things! 31 Jan shall be exciting, with my pay in, knowing of posting results, shopping trip with my lesby and..... some surprise! 

Love love love love every single one of you out there but I'm still searching for my Mr Right HAHA 8)