
Yep that's the time right now, the time when I started typing the first letter in this blog post. I skipped dinner because I was too full from drinking water from my tumbler. I'm supposed to drink lots of water to recover even faster and anyway we all need to drink lotsa water daily!

Right now there are so many things on my mind but can you believe, results aren't one of the thing. I mean, okay yes it's tomorrow - less than 14hrs to be exact - and I really don't feel a thing. Instead, I'm having HUGE -MEGA- CRAVES. LIKE..............

1. Jajjangmyeon
3. Korea.
4. Hong Kong
5. Bangkok
6. Shopping
7. Pineapple tarts (I just finished the whole container in 2 days by myself)
8. Chocolate lava cake
9. Desserts.
10. Pancakes.

Well if you can notice, I listed out more food than other stuffs. I'm actually hungry now. ._____.

Much thanks to my diet, I guess I've been missing out good food in my life. Why do I feel this way all of a sudden. Ouch. I need a life.

But really, it's not like I've the huge motivation to slim down, and the fact that I'm born this way can't be changed. Sad much! Wished I was born skinny and can never get fat.