Nana's 16th!

Yup back to blog after my practical. Don't ask me. You don't have to ask anyway, the answer is obvious. I died for practical. I've never seen such a long-winded and indirect practical before. Imagine 2-3 pages long of instructions just for physics. And measuring 3 different solutions but at the same step for Chemistry. It's a go-and-die pract. I can't imagine I just screwed it up and yes. IT'S. FOR. O. LEVELS. DAFUG.
/hides at one corner crying out loud/

I'm thankful to be home cus I can finally be make-up free! And on days like these, tho it's not raining, it rained before so it's quite cooling. Plus my fave green tea and the fact that I just soaked my body for like 15mins made me so happy hahahah

How I started my Wednesday morning :
Messing my area. Oops. I just gotta mug in the morn before I head out!

Tell me I look matured please. :-)
Really sad my hair can only stay like that for awhile. After O's I'm so gonna make it permanent. I've got my way ;-)

Whenever I head to Chinatown, one thing I MUST GET is............ PORTUGUESE EGGTARTS! 
-Much love inserted- 
I swear at times I'm like my bro's girlfriend instead of his sister hahahaha I love my bro <3

Visited The Ice Creme Man after soooooooooooo friggin long I swear I miss their ice-cream. Thank goodness there was my fave peppermint!!! Got rum gelato as well!

Raining while we had our ice-cream but who cares. CONTINUE SHOPPING!


New area established at Kampong Glam! I think I've been living in a cave for too long, I din know bout this but I swear I saw them constructing it early this year if not wrong!

I'll tour more after O's and let y'all know!

I just LOVE CBTL. Shooooo other coffee lovers. :) Skipped coffee and went for the Iced Tea of the Day : Southern Blend!

Shopped the whole day and all I got was .... Hada Labo's make up remover -_- Sist went chalet and she brought along w her all the make-up stuff except for those I bought it myself!!! Evil girl. But at least I got the whole room by myself ..... till tomo ><


After practical. Lunch with my fave buddy A.
Finally had a taste of Gombak's chicken rice highly recommended by him! Wheeeeee <3

16th Celebration for another fave buddy of mine!

Heeeeeey sexy birthday boy!

MEET MY ANNOYING BUDDY (above) I love him anyways!

Lesbo and kiddo <3

Birthday Boy again! :)

The one that promised to love me always HAHAHAH <3

Had a great time w my friends tho it's just a simple celebration. Quality time is the most important one anw ^_^

Okay I'm taking too long to blog.
Study dates tomorrow! 
Till then..... see you!