(S)he got me crash and burn.

Hi guise I'm sorry this site has slowly turned into a boring one. I promise to do up a proper and good one once I'm done busying preparing for my major exams!

Meanwhile I'll just update you bout yesterday w just some photos.

School yesterday in the morn till noon, breakfast in-between my 2 lessons, w my Den. and Aloy. :-) Always gossiping bout certain people over our meals!

After AMath remedial.

Just miss Frolick soooo much. But one thing suckish bout them now is that, they TOTALLY wasted my efforts and money for getting so many cups of Froyo just to claim Free Toppings. Take a look here

Ugh. I can only claim my ONE Free Take Home Pack. I'm gonna leave this till my birthday as my own gift!

Dinner that night at OldTown White Coffee @ JP. 

Ice Cream Toast (Double toast)
I had my usual Hainanese Chicken Chop Rice! Yumz.

Service was great that night, I wonder why! Maybe it's just pure luck 'cuz usually it's pretty much average. :-)

Happy Saturday Night :-)
I'm gonna mug till I-Don't-Know-When for today! It's my Sept hols this coming week but I've to attend lessons for Mon, Tues and Thurs! I think it's considered good since O's is REALLY at the corner (1month+ to go!) and I needa buck up DAMN BADLY. Actually I'm pretty much prepared but I need to memorise certain things even more to do even better. Prelim results aren't satisfying, so I'm gonna chiong for this last lap and shall never look back!!