Purdy boy

I totally missed blogging! I know I just did, yesterday. But that was just a short one. Now back with slightly longer post!

Napped and then off to school for extra AMath lesson! I've no idea why am I putting in so much effort when I don't intend to ace it or put that as one of my subj for L1R4. What's worse is, I'm not like improving a lot after all these remedials.... -___-

To Holland V for short break w Bro. Chilled out by myself at Coffee Bean and got my fave Black Forest Mocha! I really dislike the girl that served me. She actually typed my name as MI instead of MIN and I spelt it out for her! M I N - MIN. How was that unclear -_-t

Lunch from our fave stall!
Shopped for my baby's food and I'm so happy to buy him goodies and packet of bones for him to play with while he's alone at home or when I'm occupied with my work!!

JCube aftermath. Been wanting to try Marble Slab and this shall be my FIRST and my LAST time buying. 
1) I know photos are deceiving but if Cold Stone can do it, why can't you.....
2) $6.50 for a cup like this. HOW IS IT WORTH IT?!
3) Tasted totally normal............ Putting this last on my ice-cream list.
The reason why I compared this to Cold Stone is, Cold Stone served ice-cream BIGGER than this, but CHEAPER. And what's more, it looked 90% similar to their photos! Don't believe me? Try them yourself. If you think I'm wrong then I'd think you're insane cus everyone has got their own likings!

Shopshopshopshopshop I can't live without shopping lolol.

And this too! MAJOR LOVE.
Was thinking bout it the whole night and I was sooooo afraid they'll be OOS! So I rushed my meal at Subway @JCube then went up to buy them! Thank goodness no one grabbed them yet, so yep! It's the only one left, I'm not sure bout the stocks online tho! 

Yup food food food. I finally had tau huey! Subway and this for lunch+dinner. Yup on diet once again. I gained. again. MEH MEH ~

And just before I head off to bed, I started rearranging those notes on my board! Added new things!
much love............................ ♥ 

Okay that's all I've for now! Physics and Emath P2 mock exams tomo in the morn ;____; let me prepare for my death now. Ppyeonggggg~