So before attending school today, I was wondering what will happen in school. Only 2hrs and I'll be dismissed, excluding the extra lesson. I wasn't really looking forward cus I kept thinking there'll be classes to attend instead of celebration since I'll be in school uniform w TIE and not red tee.

I've never expected that doing a class banner is so fun, especially one for Singapore!
With just 2 plain paper taped together and a class w at least one student good at drawing, this is what you'll get!!!
It's just so pretty I'm proud of my friend Elisya for drawing so nicely and the rest of my class for taking part in the drawing of banner!!!

And this is how proud we are as a class, united :)

I love my wacky class - the class that was thought to be PLAIN WATER to my Chem teacher. Mehh.
I swear I had the best damn celebration ever in YISS. First was Racial Harmony Day, and now this - National Day Celebration. We're all finally once united as a Yusoffian, as a Singaporean. Singing the national day songs like 'Home', 'Where I belong', 'Together' and more, putting arms around shoulders, waving hands up high in the air....... It's just so fun. What's most important is, my girlfriends are finally all fine, all problems resolved. I felt so grateful for everything :')
 SELCA SELCA SELCA at home when I'm bored. I don't care how unglam I look. How carefree ~

House forever always having snacks, and I just couldn't resist. Took some while I edit my blogskin. 
OH YA I JUST UPDATED MY BLOGSKIN AGAIN, SO NICE RIGHT. Hahahahaha finally I got the skin I wanted. Merely used the one sponsored by Blogger and I edited here and there. #proud LOL just kidding :) Hope you guys like it too hehe.

My best companion ever - MA DEAREST BABY!!!
♥Love you more than anything else :-*

Top - qoo10
Bottom - Victoria Jomo
Dinner at Old Town White Coffee @ JP!