seventeen august

Headed out "bag-less"! I've no idea what bag to carry, plus there wasn't much to bring, so I'm just saving up troubles! Nice to go around without carrying anything on my body :-)
I love to match here and there. And before settling on the outfit, this is what happens
A hurricane just ended on my bed. As usual. 

And on my way to IKEA, I actually met this weird uncle on the bus. Explain no more, look at my tweet and you'll know!
Sickos everywhere :-C I swear the bus was pretty empty okay!!!!

While waiting for my bro......... I had to walk ard and ended up looking at kids stuffs. The toys are so adorkable and affordable!

Did I mention, in the morning there was this rat on the ground of my school's parade square and everyone started looking at it. It appeared to be dead but the head was moving a little, so I told my friend that those students and teachers crowding ard it actually woke it up from its deep sleep! :-P /lame/

It ended up being sent away in a box.......... huh.

It's so affordable I wanted to buy one back home but I've got a real dog, and my bed is so small I find it pointless to buy!

But this is different! The bolster is so cute!!!!! I should get it right! Maybe my next visit to IKEA! *It's so affordable, look at the price!*

Lunch time! 
The coffee machine is so cute hahaha it looked like it's milking a cow or something :-P

Choco truffle is MINE! It tastes................ Too sugary. Instead of eating the cake, it's more like chewing on sugar........ $3.50. W T _ .

If my house has got balcony, I would've gotten this LONG AGO. Maybe in the future when I get my own house I'll do it this way *smirks*

I hate days when I can sleep in more, yet I woke up early - automatically!
Blogging today cus I'm really bored..... It's a Saturday yet I'm staying home doing nothing!! 

Blogshops... Checked.
Well-known local bloggers' blog.... Checked.
Make-up tutorials..... Checked.
Music Videos..... Checked.

What more?

I really have no idea what to do, since exams are over and I deserve few days' break! 
Bro and sist off to work, leaving only me, baby and my momo and papa.