Morning till Night.

Hey guys I'm back again! Teehee. Kinda tired right now... (it's 10PM woooo.)
Been out the whole day, and only back home for a short while in the noon.

Morning down to Marina Boulevard for English talk. Was quite lost after boarding the bus 'cus I mixed up NTUC Income and NTUC Auditorium. 2 different places!! Thank goodness I've downloaded 'Singapore Map'. I stared hard at it for bout 30mins, closing and opening the app again and again to double-confirm my route. For once I was a lost meh-meh.
YAY-ness! I reached there by myself. It took me quite awhile to know that it's a place I've been to by walking. (I always walk wherever I go when I'm w my bro. Walkathon every weekend!)

Thot I'll be late but I reached on time! Cold. Hungry. Bored. To. Death. I couldn't help but to sit there restlessly. The chair was too comfy for me to concentrate on the lesson, and what's more it's in the early morn! Well, I chose the timing myself so I won't procrastinate much!

The talk ended pretty early and the 2nd speaker was indeed entertaining at certain time so I don't really find it boring.. Just that my mind drifted away at times! My butt was feeling so sore after having to stick on the chair for 3hrs straight!

BRUNCH! @ ToastBox @ MBS. Really gonna go budget during the hols. Don't have the urge to spend especially on food. It's...... friggin sinful. *Big sigh*
$7 for a meal together w drink. Filled my tummy and I guess it's well spent.

I swear I drained my friends out. Walked from NTUC Aud > MBS > Marina Square > Suntec > CityLink Mall > Raffles. It seemed like a lot of places to go but it's all linked and air-conditioned! Well every week I walked like this, sometimes including Orchard and Bugis together, so I'm really used to it! (Just stating the facts, not bragging or anything! What's there to brag anyway LOL...)

Long bus trip back home from Raffles and I fell asleep as expected.. But bro called so. Nap interrupted -_- Home at 3PM+ and 2hrs later, down to Buona Vista/Holland V!

Insta followers you would've prolly seen this on your newsfeed! Dinner for the day : Scrambled Egg w Sausage and Strawberry Honey. Nom!

To Holland V! Getting my hamsters a new big cage! They're all growing real fast :-\

I especially love this shop at the mall (the one w Cold Storage). Cool stuffs for you to decorate your house/shop! How I wish I get to own this boat. $650 ................. dang.

Starbucks and Coffee Bean were fighting in my mind, but in the end I chose C.B. Slightly cheaper and I love their coffee! ^_^ 

Happy to have ended my day at Holland V w my one of my fave drink kekeke.

Just washed and cleaned my hamster's cage (all by myself! I'm so happy!) and it's even more pleasing to know that the hamsters are loving their new house! Shall leave the photos for next post.

Please look out for my next post! No idea what will it be on hmmmmmmm.

I feel so dizzy as I'm typing......
ciaos! x.